What if solving complex challenges could be scaled like Software as a Service? Introducing EaaS.

What if solving complex challenges could be scaled like Software as a Service? Introducing EaaS.

Innovation relies on bringing together diverse ideas and stakeholders. Finding innovative solutions to complex problems – whether for social, environmental, or whole-sector challenges – requires even larger networks to collaborate at scale. An entire ecosystem. That’s why at Shapeable we think of our tech as an emerging category of 'Ecosystem as a Service' (EaaS).

What is an Ecosystem as a Service?

An EaaS platform is Software as a Service (SaaS). It delivers software on-demand. An EaaS goes one step further by combining your entire Business or Innovation Ecosystem with next-generation technologies and systems thinking. It allows your entire network - interdependent and spanning various sectors – to identify common challenges and streamline solutions.

Purpose-driven Technology

The core purpose of EaaS is to facilitate innovation. It enables scalable, sustainable, impactful collaboration by breaking down the complexity of the real world into its component parts. It maps your stakeholders and lets you orchestrate them toward mutual goals and measurable impact.

An EaaS platform will:

  • Digitise your goals into a shared agenda, to create a common language.
  • Centralise trusted knowledge for your entire sector, for consistent, improved decision-making
  • Facilitate collaboration around shared challenges to enhance problem-solving
  • Automate processes that matchmake innovations and bring the right people and solutions together
  • Benchmark goals to measure and report impact
  • Interconnect digital services and data sources via an API for seamless integration
  • Use AI to enhance intelligence and collaboration

EaaS Empowering Collaboration

The concept of EaaS lies at the heart of Shapeable. From insights to horizon scanning to systems modelling to stakeholder profiling, we provide the entire lifecycle of innovation management at network scale to accelerate new markets.

Our platforms and consultancy are accessible to everyone. We’ve built Shapeable as a modular digital offering so you can choose as many or as few of the modules to suit your need, expertise or budget.

Map complex challenges, innovate new solutions, then measure impact at scale. For profit, for good, for you.

If you would like to learn more about how to solve complex problems at scale, please get in touch.